location:Home > suppliers > 體說Eco-Sapropel
Founded in 19991, eco sapropel 文行of Belarus is commit女麗ted to the research, develo服司pment and production of子一 pelosilt ecological mud and its ex見歌tracts with the most advanced te快車chnology. After 100刀線00 years of sediment機跳ation and purification, pelo畫舊silt products from老廠 the natural ecologica章見l sudubl lake ar行線e pure, natural and pollutio窗紅n-free.
The company has a懂錯 strong scientific research foundatio時行n. The expert s算裡cientific research team機身 composed of authoritative e秒內xperts, doctors of chemist麗的ry and pharmaceutical researcher喝船s continues to provide c相市ustomers with p廠你elosilt solutions.